Saturday, April 5, 2014

i had fun makeing theses val day cards i send few to our troops and few to the one i always send cards to and  i cut out over 100 card parts and give to a older person day care so the could make there on i hear the had so much fun  it just dont hurt to nice to other .   and you and  just see what did . i no prob you copy any of theses but reber i made them but someone made the stamps and someone  make the heart s pastic shaper thing i use my nephew and his family send a big box of rubber stamps ribboins inks just so must the box was about half tall as me and i like 5 ;3 maybe  so you can see it was a box load down with love or and some papers and sticker s just real blessing and dear lady in col send a box of rubber stamps it was so kind of her
when she found out what do and that i make cards just to give ppl careing kind word when there  fighting cancer or just care homes  even if he cant talk and dont even know who you are just maybe a card from you bring a smile for even few mins think of others  when make 1 card for someone make aother one for someone thatyou know alone orthe need careing kind word it make you feel good and it made them feel good

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