so i just love crafts so much be trying share lots more . i love fast things to made if got take months i dont want it iif few weeks or days it ok but if i can get craft in 1 or 2 hours then i loveing that one for sure
will my wording not warn and fuszzy or colorful it just i belive if we all dont start opening our eyes our hearts and our minds and ask jesus to help us not just not sure what our usa will end up being . as the bible say kind of no word for word butif says if my ppl with turn from there wicked way then he hear fromheaven and will heal our land our land land is sick, we just have turn back to god .
so i love psalms out of the king james bible lots bible chage words thta dont like and i read the bible and i understand we arent to change the wording the the bible if we take away words or add words then it be faily tail my bible is no faily tail and i want read god word not what some wants us to read .
so psalm 1 BLessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,nor standeth in the way of sinners, now sitteth in the seat of the scornful
i know i am reading in nahum now my slef but when i share god word on my cards i send out i just keep going back to psalms in the king james bible it like when go the store and u go it lane and you pick up just what on your list or something you saw it just had have , well psalms is kind like that store where u just about can find any thing good and help full to share , and when check out it free yu can go back find something els in psalms to help you or just share with others , so it sat i do pray all you who can that can go to church on sunday do go if not wacth it on line on on your tv, i am not apart or do i get anything free for shareing about this church on tv but i love family warship center or soemthing like that it in la and i found it on my dish thank god for my dish tv with not be able to get church the church comes to me thur my tv the have great praise worship songs and greatPreacher' i know some dont care for a shouting church but funny you be the shouting at a ball game or car racee but when go church you think it got be dead to be in church dont have have to the can be full of life but only with godly things in church something need to stay a bar and party it dont need to be takeing to church or a ungdly things so there a lot to be said about some church this days i think the forget there churchs and the sure dont act like there at church rock roll courty song dont need speacil day in any church or should a church start the sevicer with i want hold you hand or rock on or slow dances nothing like that should be in the church let alone on sunday warship time . god not going compete he just going walk away from that church and find one that migt be singing oh how i love jesus or because he lives or i tusting you lord .. and when pastor get up to teach he not going tell you how bad you are for not saving more paper or wales or power the only thing a real pastor should be doing tell you how to get saved and teaching from the bible not a maz he pick up on the way to church tell other god loves them and open the door to pray i hear some only want tell you feel good story that make you feel good the bible was not made to make have feel good story was to warring us that we didnt want go hell but that if got saved and lived right than other can see jesus light shine thur you
i will bless the lord at all times did know when i so sick i cant hold my head up i rember the song the darkess hours just before dawn great song to help u build your faith up in god and to let u know u made it thur aother day just if get to the dawn of a new day . and when i am going thur things in life i really just didnt want have go thur then the song comes to mind lord i still trust you no matter how sick i do get i know jesus is there to help and he send angels when just dont think we can go one more min well i will say i am so blessed i dont have cancer but i very sick at time u know copd take a toll or your heart and your body not just your lungs i dont like to be baby i just like have a sick spell and get over with \for then only to know i have aother bad spell soon . i dont sit arould thinking of poor me i sit arould think what kind card do i want make next or what kind craft do i want made next or what neckless do i want make now it not good for you or family or your frineds for u live your life only talking about being sick all the time yes we all have bad days and i say oh wow my head hurts or i dont feel well today but i not going talk about it all day not good for u . or anyone arould you di d you know that your care giver the one who takeing care of you dont take care of there on slef could get very sick or just drop dead on you than there not even good for there on slefs if the live . care giver have to take time for ther slefs asi tell my hubby just because i sick and cant go dont mean you shouldnt if there something you want do get frined and go have fun, dont make your caregiver in to home bound care giver the just have to get out and do something good for them . and just maybe someone u trust you could call if you really needed help for that little time . i joke about i get pay to be sick well i do get my disably so i am great worker at my job i put lots hours days and mins at my job , not that i really wanted that kind job . i love to be back at real job working i use love to clean office i use love to met ppl at our court house i did learn
so that kind like if you not saved if not ask jesus to come in to your heart and forgive you on your sin no matter if you got best clothes on the best car and you are all ways doing good everywhere . did u know your still sinner and u still go hell unles you ask jesus to for give you no getting arould that you dont get go heaven by your works you can only get to heaven one way and it not by other praying you there it on;ly by you asking jesus to for give you . i still say i belive no one really wants to go hell i just think the just think the do . i dont even think the devil his slef belives he going hell one day to . so i been reading my bible and praying asking god what good can i do with my time to help others being allmost home bouned there still lots i can do . i just trying get you all to understand who down and out fells alone your not dont gove up dont givein and god wont . find something from reading a book to work on a puzzle or just use your hands and mind either u could lose if u dont use.
so like i said this blog i bet going be like no one ever done frist all dont even know how to do this or the rules i going ask aould to see if i a able to have others site here and contest and give away after march is craft month so many great things out there learn or win or sometime the just posted have free download
all do wash the glass vase and dry well them glue on beads dont use u good beads for this good beads are for making a neckless . ok use glass glue or juust read on the tube on bottle if say it glue beads to glass it what you want wacth out for the smells the can set off a bad breathing time for sure after glueing thing on good i learned later on to spray paint the vase frist before u glue on beads then it all be painted and lloks good no i did not spary paint my vase my hubby did if yu have lung probs get soem one to spary paint it for u away from you like out side dont get arould it til smell gone nothing would be great about end up in hospital over just because you spray painted a vase not worth it others be happy to help if u ask . so love the after pics i give this away but i still have the pics so other can see how make this . my aunt was the frist to share how to do this with beads i always used just paer s things and glued them on my botttle and mod podge them a few times and it tooks out great next we have store in town the way the say thank you for shopping there the put thank you sticker on all there things the can that u bring home peel off all the thank you save them til you have eough and glue them to a vase or bottle then few coats of mod podge dont spary paint that vase it wont like right . you can also do all the fruit sticker you can the add up fast and it way to use things and not trash them and give t he vase as small gift add some flower real or fake and u have nice thank you gift
i deck out my old shoes this pic show u how to do this beads in south joe cane in moble al the sunday before what the call fat tueday that tueday after joe cane day . any way there saying when thing drop some ppl say it bad kuck to pick them up no way it blessing seei see my beads to my sister who works in older person care day in aother state the love the bead i just save the great one for them for st patty day and something the have on small mardi gras in the day care and the use them for bingo gifts the love there bingo to so for all you has tons beads share them with a nusehome or day care the love them .
i wasnt anle to go this year but my hubby and my sweet nicee went i let her wear my hat i made i share a few hatsin past i made and i know how i found out that if we take lawn chairs i can just sit and look all day and enjoy my life wioth my family when i can . so hubby got over 100 beads on sunday i not sure all many mynicee gt and few stuffed toys but it was just clean fun my hubby needed to go out it even if i couldnt . dont stop your caregiver from haveing a life after all your the one sick not them. but dont blame your slef but tell them you want them them to have a life to i just mean time away just to do something good for there slefs
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